UkraineInvest CEO took part in opening of polystyrene boards production plant in Kropyvnytskyi city

UkraineInvest CEO took part in opening of polystyrene boards production plant in Kropyvnytskyi city

120 new workplaces and building materials for 10 regions of Ukraine.

UkraineInvest Executive Director Sergiy Tsivkach today took part in opening a plant for the production of polystyrene boards in Kropyvnytskyi city.

Eurobud company is the investor of the project. As it is noted, the production is completely designed and built from scratch. The plant will produce foam boards for insulation of residential and industrial buildings, and the finished materials will be distributed to the domestic market. 

“This is one of the vivid examples of successful business in the country, when an investor expands its production capacity and implements a new project. I’m sure that the plant for producing polystyrene boards will contribute to the further development of the region and the attraction of new investments,” said Sergiy Tsivkach.

According to company representatives, it is planned to create 120 workplaces. From Kropyvnytskyi, the company will deliver products to at least ten regions of central and southeastern Ukraine.

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