This is a weekly digest of news about investment and business development in Ukraine from the UkraineInvest team

The government of Ukraine intends to allocate around UAH 40 bln to support economic activity, investment and Ukrainian producers in 2024. 

The “eRobota” programme of non-repayable grants will also continue. The total amount of the programme will now be UAH 3.2 bln. 

Investment in the agro-processing industry is on the rise: a soya bean processing plant is to be built in Ukraine.

State-owned Oschadbank has signed a loan agreement with Astarta Agro-Industrial Holding to finance an investment project to build an advanced soybean processing plant. The processing development loan is expected to be granted for 7 years and the loan amount will be USD 60 mln. 

The Roadmap for Reforming Public Investment Management was approved.

The purpose of the Roadmap is to set the context, vision, basic principles and directions for building an integrated, sustainable and effective public investment management system that ensures that investment projects are planned based on strategic priorities and a medium-term budgetary framework, selected in accordance with unified and transparent procedures and clear criteria, and implemented within the planned timeframe and funding. 

Ukrainians received more than UAH 90 mln in grants to start and develop their own business.

In total, since the launch of the Vlasna Sprava programme, more than 10,000 Ukrainians have already received UAH 2.4 bln in grants for their businesses. The winners can spend the funds on the purchase or leasing of equipment, purchase of raw materials and supplies, and rent of premises. Both existing entrepreneurs and people with no experience of such activities can receive a microgrant. A prerequisite for receiving funds is the creation of 1-2 jobs, depending on the amount of the grant. 

The procedure for interaction between financial agents to comply with the requirements of the CRS Common Reporting Standard for Collective Investment Institutions has entered into force.

This procedure applies to custodians opening (maintaining) custody accounts for depositors – investors in collective investment schemes and asset management companies. 

UkraineInvest, in collaboration with Business for Ukraine and ZPP, has provided translations of our guides into Polish.

This will enable interested Polish investors to understand the opportunities and advantages of collaboration better, fostering the development of bilateral investment ties and opening broader prospects for mutually beneficial partnerships. 

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