The domestic construction industry must be prepared to meet all the challenges of Ukraine’s large-scale reconstruction

Some 35 mln tonnes of pure cement will be needed to rebuild what was destroyed during the war. This makes it a key reconstruction material, the availability of which will determine the speed of recovery. At present, the production capacity of existing companies is about 13.6 million tonnes per year. This was discussed at a round table organised by the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine. 

The aim of the event was to analyse the Ukrainian cement market and the needs of Ukraine’s future reconstruction. The analytical data obtained will allow us to formulate a quality policy to support the building materials industry and attract additional investment. 
The challenges facing the company today include 
– adapting to the current environment; 
– ensuring and planning reconstruction; 
– implementing European standards.

“Major projects cannot be realised without cement. Last year’s dynamics show that the market is recovering. This year we expect about 7 mln tonnes,” said Sergiy Pylypenko, the CEO of Kovalska. He noted that bank programmes do not allow for raising funds for investment in new production facilities, and Ukrainian investors do not have this amount of money: “It’s hundreds of mln of dollars. It may be worthwhile to create long-term financing programmes on market terms within the framework of investment nannies or industrial parks. 

Oleksandr Melnychenko, Acting Executive Director of UkraineInvest, noted that the President of Ukraine has recently signed the draft law No. 9015 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Financial Mechanisms for Stimulating Export Activity’ on Insurance of Investments in Ukraine against Military Risks”. 
“UkraineInvest is actively promoting this law. We are working with the international community, providing information support and acting as an investment nanny. We promote the investment attractiveness of Ukraine even in times of war,” said the Acting Executive Director of UkraineInvest.

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