The Executive Director of UkraineInvest Sergiy Tsivkach, presented a comprehensive analytical report on the state of the logistics industry and the potential of industrial parks

The Executive Director of UkraineInvest Sergiy Tsivkach, presented a comprehensive analytical report on the state of the logistics industry and the potential of industrial parks

Prior to the onset of large-scale aggression, Ukraine possessed 2.5 million square meters of industrial warehouses. However, the process of reconstruction and economic transformation in Ukraine will require a significantly larger amount of industrial warehouse space, comparable to that of neighboring countries such as Poland with 27 million square meters, Czech Republic with 9.6 million square meters, and Germany with 8.2 million square meters.

To attract investment in the manufacturing sector of the economy, the development of industrial parks can prove to be beneficial. This was highlighted by Sergiy Tsivkach during a sectoral analytical study at the FIT for Ukraine: Logistic hubs and Industrial parks forum.

The  second online event FIT for Ukraine was attended by over 500 participants from 40 different countries. To watch the full video, please follow the link below:

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