Natalie Jaresko, former Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Managing Director of EY-Parthenon, was a speaker at the FIT for Ukraine: Innovative Investments

Ukraine’s economy is slowly recovering thanks to the support of international partners, but blended finance and impact investing can help improve the situation. 

As of June this year, the global market for blended finance was worth USD 182 billion. At the same time, The Global Impact Investing Network estimates that there are more than 3,000 organisations worldwide with more than a trillion US dollars in assets under management. This could be a great opportunity for Ukraine.

Blended finance combines donor and private capital and helps reduce potential risks and threats to a particular project. Impact investment focuses on stimulating economic growth and, in addition to profits, provides for a positive impact on social areas. If these two types of financing are combined, an even larger pool of investment capital can be formed and brought into the country.

The World Bank estimates that Ukraine needs USD 411 billion to rebuild. The sectors in need of financing include transport, housing, energy, mining, social protection, and mine action. Blended finance and impact investment can cover all these sectors, working simultaneously with several of them.

This was stated by Natalie Jaresko, former Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Managing Director of EY-Parthenon, at the FIT for Ukraine: Innovative Investments.

The fourth FIT for Ukraine event was attended by over 700 participants from more than 50 countries.

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