Development of charging infrastructure in Europe

Development of charging infrastructure in Europe

In the next decade, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on our roads will increase significantly. One of the necessary conditions for this growth is the development of the charging station market.

Today, 2/3 of the electricity needs for charging electric cars are private, both at home and in the parking lot near work. However, by 2030, the share of public charging infrastructure (public parking lots) will be close to private, which means a tenfold increase in public charging infrastructure in 10 years.

This growth is very promising for many companies operating in the charging station for electric vehicles, as well as infrastructure companies, charging manufacturers, companies that install or maintain charging points, station operators, and IT companies offer programs to pay and locate. The EU, together with the main stakeholders in the market, has developed “EV charging infrastructure masterplan”.

The plan is for 27 member states and estimates that by 2030, approximately € 280 billion will be invested in charging points (technical equipment and manpower), modernizing the grid and building renewable energy capacity to charge electric vehicles. The main goals are to install about 6.8 million public charging stations, and the development of the TEN-T route corridor that involves the installation of an average of 184 charging points every 100 km of passenger electric transport route. Currently, the market for charging stations for electric vehicles is quite consolidated.

The market is led by several companies, such as The State Grid Corporation of China, ABB, Siemens, Qingdao Tgood Electric Co., Ltd and Tesla Inc. This market is dominated by The State Grid Corporation of China. To date, the company has combined more than 1 million charging stations, covering 273 cities in 29 provinces. The company is expanding its presence by entering into partnerships with major automakers, including European ones. For example, in 2018, BMW and SGCC entered into a strategic partnership under which SGCC will provide BMW drivers with access to more than 270,000 charging stations in China by the end of 2020. The current situation in Ukraine and opportunities for Ukrainian companies Given the localization of production and suppliers, the European initiative opens up opportunities for Ukrainian players in this market, including charger manufacturers, IT solution manufacturers, and the energy sector.

After all, our charging infrastructure was developing rapidly. As of November 2021, there were about 1 charging station for 4 electric cars in Ukraine, which is a pretty good figure among European countries (23% of the number of charging stations is fast charging (over 22 kWh). In Ukraine there are more than 8 manufacturers charging stations, while actively developing the IT side of the market with convenient solutions related to the use and payment of the service. In addition, according to the Switcher study (2020), Ukraine is the cheapest country for charging electric cars in Europe.

Charging electric cars in Ukraine is almost 7 times cheaper than in Germany (the most expensive country for charging electric cars). All this, together with the growing demand for electric cars, creates the necessary conditions for the rapid development of a new industry in Ukraine that will meet not only domestic needs but also fight for a share in various niches in the European market.

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