Executive Director of UkraineInvest in an interview with the Ukrainian media «Ukrainian Business Resource»

Executive Director of UkraineInvest in an interview with the Ukrainian media «Ukrainian Business Resource»

The UkraineInvest team is convinced that the main and most crucial thing now is the attention of investors, their desire to apply under the Law on “Investment Nannies” and start doing business in Ukraine.

“Planning is a very inexpensive process compared to construction. In some cases, it can amount to 1% of the total investment or even less. Therefore, we appeal to the global business community, explaining to them that investment into the economy of Ukraine is not a one-sided support, that both we and they will make a profit from their activities,” said Sergiy Tsivkach, Executive Director of UkraineInvest in an interview with the Ukrainian media “Ukrainian Business Resource” (UBR). 

Read more about the importance of memorandums, legislative initiatives, and stages of investment projects implementation here:


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