BASF invests in Ukraine since 1992

BASF is present in Ukraine since 1992. During last 30 years the company invested continuously in knowledge transfer activities for its Ukrainian customers, particularly in the sector of crop protection/ farming.

In 2018 BASF invested in a R&D Station for hybrid wheat development in Myronivka and Nunhems LLC, vegetable seeds business with R&D station in Kakhovka.

BASF donated €1 million in emergency humanitarian aid to Ukraine in March 2022;

BASF and its employees donated an additional €4.2 million for people in Ukraine in April 2022;

BASF in Ukraine supported relocation of more than 110 employees and their families during the first months of the war;

BASF in Ukraine ensured continuous supply of critical infrastructure products and materials such as crop protection products, catalysts for fuel production, chemicals for gas well drilling, etc.;

To support Ukrainian farmers and contribute to food security BASF supported BORSCH initiative and donated seeds for Ukraine: 240,000 farming families benefit from a vegetable seeds donation by the company. In addition, BASF in Ukraine provided sunflower seeds for free to farmers in the Sumy and Chernihiv region, covering an area of 10,000 ha., which makes the production of more than 4 million liters of sunflower oil possible;

BASF in Ukraine continues full employment, payout of salaries as well as salary increase in 2023 for all employees, including those serving in Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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