We are waiting for your projects that need investment or business partners

We are waiting for your projects that need investment or business partners

We are waiting for your projects that need investment or business partners!

UkraineInvest is renewing the list of private investment projects for inclusion in the special edition of the UkraineInvest Guide, which will be presented to the international investment community in London 🇬🇧 as part of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023🇺🇦.

Those who are interested can fill out the online form using the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGcWfOkty6oeKk9tzmT5SI5b98byZJrZkxA93xrGewqf9qDw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3B_UGejJSRTVyhzTMld28TXhtABuZs1Z0IuL7jMUNcqCi3FzGa87nmjzk

The Reconstruction Conference will focus on mobilising international support for Ukraine’s economic and social stabilisation and subsequent post-war reconstruction, including emergency assistance and private sector involvement in the reconstruction process.

The event will take place on 21-22 June and will continue the cycle of annual conferences, the last of which was co-hosted by Switzerland and Ukraine in Lugano.

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