An investment program for fintech startups is being launched in Ukraine

An investment program for fintech startups is being launched in Ukraine

The Ukrainian startup fund together with the specialized fintech fund N1 investment fund are launching a new program for fintech startups seeking to attract investment and receive expert support.

To participate in the program, startups must meet the following criteria:
– fintech and fintech satellites (especially projects that use or plan to use Open Banking and Blockchain technologies);

– an expert team with experience in the field of their solution, which has a deep understanding of the problem and solutions on the market;
– the startup has the potential to scale, in addition to the opportunity to develop in foreign markets.
N1 Fund considers the following investment options:

– Late seed – round A; check: $250,000 – $1 million; providing Pitch deck and financial model.
– Technology: the presence of developed technology and ideas that allow creating a solution for the end user; check: from $50,000; a description of the technology and its use cases with a list of clients, a description of the idea of ​​a solution based on this technology or (better) a description of the target business model.

Applications are being collected from October 31 to December 15, 2022. The amount of investment from N1 Fund is individual in each individual case. After submission of applications, N1 Fund will conduct internal compliance of the projects and submit them to the N1 Fund Supervisory Board for a final decision. N1 is a profile fintech fund, which includes neobank sportbank, payment system Asquad, startup with Tap to phone technology Transenix and other fintechs in its portfolio.
You can apply at the following link:

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