The government has developed a bill that is stipulated to enhance fast creation of processing enterprises

The government has developed a bill that is stipulated to enhance fast creation of processing enterprises

The government approved a bill on simplifying permit procedures for acquiring the right on land and starting construction during the implementation of projects aimed at ensuring economic recovery.
During the martial law and during the reconstruction period, entrepreneurs implementing projects included to the list of economic recovery projects receive the most favorable conditions for investment.
These are, in particular:
– shortening the terms of acquiring rights on a land plot – from 18 to 3 months;
– the right on a land plot will be acquired without an auction, without land management documentation, with guarantees of non-alienation of the plot;
– establishing and changing the purpose of the land will be able to take place without observing the rules of the relationship between the type of purpose and the type of functional purpose of the territory;
– the design of the construction object can take place without observing urban planning conditions and restrictions, provided that the building regulations are met.

A restoration project will be considered a project that:
– is worth of 500,000 euros or more;
– is being implemented in manufacturing industry (excluding waste management and housing construction).

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