Impressive results of the Canada-Ukraine FTA

Impressive results of the Canada-Ukraine FTA

It has been three years since the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) came into force, already showing impressive results in targeted sectors.

📌 The Agreement eliminated tariffs and provided non‑tariff measures such as trade facilitation, access to public procurement opportunities, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, environmental standards, and digital trade.

▪️ 86% of Ukraine’s imports from Canada became duty-free, with the remaining tariff advantages to be implemented by January 1, 2024. While Canada eliminated tariffs on 99.9% of imports from Ukraine.
▪️ Canada’s exports to Ukraine with the largest increases include fish and seafood, machinery and mechanical appliances, motor vehicles and parts, meat, and electronics.
▪️ Ukraine’s exports that have expanded the most include iron and steel, electronics, and preparations of vegetables.
▪️ In the share of Canada’s total imports in 2019, Ukraine supplied 26% of apple juice and 6% of snow-skis.

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Via Trade Commissioner Service – Global Affairs Canada  

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