UkraineInvest has updated the Guide “Investment Incentives for Industrial Parks”.
The Law “On Industrial Parks” provides state support for initiators, managing companies, and members of industrial parks in establishing and operating industrial parks. The guide contains information on the advantages for industrial park members, forms of state support, requirements for industrial park membership, and a detailed description of the registration process.
“The state creates favourable and profitable conditions for the potential industrial park members. Moreover, the implementation of investment projects within the industrial park does not exclude the opportunity to receive additional incentives, in particular, provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On State Support for Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine” or the legal regime of Diia.City”, – commented Alyona Sumina, Acting Head of the Legal Affairs and Regulatory Policy Department of UkraineInvest.
“Industrial parks play an essential role in the economic development of regions as they create new jobs and attract innovations and technologies. It is a land fund equipped with ready-made infrastructure, prepared to accommodate projects,” noted Ella Nelha, Senior Associate of Legal Affairs and Regulatory Policy Department of UkraineInvest.
This guide will be useful for investors interested in the implementation of investment projects within industrial parks in Ukraine.
On the website of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, you can find the catalogue of industrial parks that can assist in finding potential partners, land plots with developed infrastructure for production buildings and attracting new investments.
Click on the link to view the updated guide.
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