The Business Week for the week of October 12-18, 2020

The Business Week for the week of October 12-18, 2020


Polish Gas Company and Energy Resources of Ukraine to launch the hydrocarbon production in Ukraine 

Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) has signed an investment agreement with Energy Resources of Ukraine (ERU) on a joint exploration and production project in Ukraine. The agreement stipulates the framework for joint operations on the project, which is located near the Polish border in Ukraine. Ukraine has substantial conventional gas reserves and a vast untapped unconventional potential. Ukraine is ranked among the top-three European countries for gas reserves. Given Ukraine’s current natural gas production, the proved reserves base is underutilized. The government’s recent deregulation efforts in the gas sector and the launch of open auctions of special permits for oil and gas extraction will attract more private companies with advanced technologies and boost gas production in Ukraine. Read more


Ukraine extends the adaptive quarantine until the end of 2020

On October 13, the Ukrainian government passed the decree on quarantine extension until December 31, 2020. The document envisages the following restrictive measures:
📌 Depending on the type of zone (green, yellow, orange, and red) there is a limitation in the number of people to attend the mass events
📌 The work of the restaurants is prohibited from 22:00 to 07:00
📌 It is recommended to organize the shift work for employees


Danish furniture manufacturer to build a plant in Rivne

Rivne, a city located in northwestern Ukraine, proves to secure attractive conditions for doing business. Danish company Hjort Knudsen announced locating its production facilities in Rivne. The project is estimated at EUR 11 million and envisages the creation of 1000 jobs. The investor plans to create an added-value closed-loop production with environment-friendly production facilities. The project will accelerate the development of the furniture cluster and stimulate the growth of the related industries. 


Ukraine and Poland to develop the transport corridor between Black sea and Gdansk bay

Within the Ukraine-Poland Economic Forum, countries signed the memorandum of cooperation aimed at developing the transport corridor between the Black sea and Gdansk bay. This step allows to increase the trade volumes between the countries and expand the geography of the containerized cargo from China through Ukraine to Poland and EU and vice versa. The memorandum opens up new opportunities in the development and exploitation of the ports, logistics and intermodal transportation. 

From state to communities: Ukraine transfers its agricultural lands

On October 15, the President of Ukraine signed a decree “On Certain Measures to Accelerate Reforms in the Sphere of Land Relations”. Now more than 2 million hectares of agricultural land that were in state ownership will be transferred to the amalgamated territories. Communities will be able to allocate funds from land use for their development. This step allows completing the decentralization reform in Ukraine, which is considered to be one of the most successful. Earlier this year Ukraine finally abolished the moratorium on the agricultural land sale – a big step towards the liberalization of the agricultural sector. 

From state to communities: Ukraine transfers its agricultural lands

On October 15, the President of Ukraine signed a decree “On Certain Measures to Accelerate Reforms in the Sphere of Land Relations”. Now more than 2 million hectares of agricultural land that were in state ownership will be transferred to the amalgamated territories. Communities will be able to allocate funds from land use for their development. This step allows completing the decentralization reform in Ukraine, which is considered to be one of the most successful. Earlier this year Ukraine finally abolished the moratorium on the agricultural land sale – a big step towards the liberalization of the agricultural sector. 

A Rocket Mogul Is Preparing to Launch a Union of U.S. and Soviet Technology

Read a Bloomberg Businessweek article about prominent Ukrainian entrepreneur Max Polyakov. Polyakov runs Firefly Aerospace, which is a U.S.-Ukrainian private aerospace firm based in Austin, Texas, that develops small and medium-sized launch vehicles for commercial launches to orbit. The company has an R&D center in Dnipro. Firefly puts into practice the ideas of a “new space” developing affordable and convenient launch vehicles and building the brand new type of business ecosystem.
 Polyakov is someone the emerging commercial spaceflight industry needs to take seriously. To date, he’s put $150 million of his own money into rocketry, more than anyone besides Elon Musk, with SpaceX, and Jeff Bezos, with Blue Origin. Polyakov’s company, Firefly Aerospace Inc., runs a vast engine test site about a half-mile from the beer barn,” reads the article. 

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