The Business Week for the week of November 2-8, 2020

The Business Week for the week of November 2-8, 2020


Discover the Road PPP Program

In cooperation with its international partners, World Bank, IFC and Global infrastructure Facility, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine introduces the Road PPP Program aimed at the involvement of the private sector in the country’s roads network development through PPP contracts and private investment. Check out the detailed information about the program, six pilot projects, and the latest news –


Allseeds Group raised $10 million in commodity financing

According to the USUBC press release, Skarb&Statok successfully closed a deal on arranging Inland Stock Financing for USD 10 million for a leader in the Oil Crushing Industry in Ukraine, Allseeds Group. The amount of the transaction will be allocated for sunflower seeds purchase and processing, as well as export of sunflower seeds and meal. 
It was important to prove to our American partners that there are reputable companies in Ukraine with a sustainable track-record and top-notch corporate governance. We are confident that this deal will trigger more capital into Allseeds, as well as into the Ukrainian agro sector in general,” says Nataliia Vyniarska, co-founder of Skarb&Statok. 

Ukrainian Parliament has ratified the protocol on air transportation with Qatar

The Verkhovna Rada passed the law “On Ratification of the Protocol between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the State of Qatar on Amendments and Additions to the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the State of Qatar on Air Traffic”. This step will open up access to the markets by allocation of several airlines on each side, eliminate the restrictions on the number of flights, types of aircraft, and expand the number of destinations for regular air connections between two countries. According to Vladyslav Kryklii, Minister of Infrastructure, Ukraine is interested in cooperation in the realm of transport and infrastructure with Qatar. Earlier this year, a leading Qatari operator QTerminals signed a concession agreement for Olvia port, which envisages UAH 17 billion of investments. Thus, the liberalization of air transportation is a huge step towards the development of Ukraine-Qatar relations.

Ukraine is liberalizing the ship entrance to the ports 

The Ministry of Infrastructure has simplified the procedure for vessel entry into Ukrainian ports. The issuance time has been reduced twice from 18 to 9 hours. With the digitalization of the entry process, the need for submission in person by the ship’s agent is no longer required. Besides the time minimization for ship call registration, the simplification of the procedure allows to create of a consolidated database of calls to Ukrainian ports and improve the ship control system.

What will be the vectors of Ukraine’s economic development until 2030?

During the presentation of the Economic Audit of the Сountry and Vectors of Economic Development until 2030, the Prime Minister of Ukraine has outlined 30 key vectors for the development by 2030.  Among the key priorities are reducing the state’s share in the economy, developing the financial sector, decreasing the regulatory burden on business, increasing the volumes of exploration and production of subsoil assets, developing infrastructure in the agricultural sector, favorable tax and legal regimes for innovation companies and R&D, digital economy, Ukraine’s image in the world and strengthening commercial diplomacy. The determined realms will be the basis for further development of the National Economic Strategy – 2030.

7% reduced VAT rate for services in tourism, cultural and creative industries

Ukraine decreased the VAT rates to 7% for services in tourism, cultural and creative industries. In particular, the reduced tax rate will apply to the services in showcasing exhibitions, performances, music concerts, cultural events, museum excursions and other related activities. The decreased rate will also be applicable to the services in demonstration, dissemination and public screening of the movies translated from the original language into Ukrainian and adapted for the people with sight and hearing impairment.


Emerging Ukraine: Europe’s new growth engine?

Our partners at NUCC are organizing an online event that includes inspiring plenary sessions, informative panels and targeted 1:1 meetings that will put the Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation on a brand new level.
Do not hesitate to join us! Why participate?
📌 Receive an update on the progress of reforms in Ukraine and what this means for your business
📌 Discover new opportunities for bilateral trade
📌 Develop your network with professionals in Norway and Ukraine
📌 Find potential partners and relevant projects
📅 Date: November 12th
⏰ Time: 4 pm (Kyiv time)/3 pm (GMT+1)
🔗 Registration and full program via a link –

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