Perspectives for Canadian companies in Ukraine

Perspectives for Canadian companies in Ukraine

❓What are the sectors of the Ukrainian economy that offer the most room for growth in Canada-Ukraine economic relations? What benefits has CUFTA brought? These issues were addressed during the online business conference “Prospects for cooperation: Ukraine-Canada”

🙌🏻Ukraine and Canada have a strategic partnership based on enduring friendship, strong political dialogue, commitment to democratic values and prospects of joint implementation of projects in the most promising sectors of the economy today.

💬“Many of the Canadian companies have already been operating in Ukraine in such sectors as IT, agribusiness, energy, aerospace and mining. We suggest a lucrative investment menu for our Canadian friends. More information about the opportunities you can find in our UkraineInves Guide which is a valuable source of information for Canadian investors. And here at UkraineInvest, we are ready to work on finding new opportunities for further expanding economic cooperation between Canada and Ukraine and the successful implementation of investment projects,” – emphasized the executive director of UkraineInvest Sergiy Tsivkach.

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