Kyiv is ranked among the Top 100 best cities worldwide

Kyiv is ranked among the Top 100 best cities worldwide

🙌According to the 2021 World’s Best Cities Report, Kyiv is ranked #87 and appeared for the first time in the Top 100. The city made a great loop forward and jumped 52 places⬆️ as previously Kyiv was ranked 139. Architecturally endowed, friendly and creative, Kyiv is a subdued European capital on the rise, reads the report. 

💬“Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, may not be the first European capital that pops to mind, but it’s one of the most distinct. The city—a 1,500-year-old living encyclopedia of Slavic history—is as colorful and vibrant as its nation’s flag, with buildings painted like Ukrainian Easter eggs and the skyline topped with gold domes gleaming up the hills from the Dnipro River” the report says. 

📍 The first top five best cities mentioned in the report are London, New York, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo. 

🔗 Read the full report –

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