Investments in logistics, critical infrastructure and the energy sector are priority areas for Ukraine’s cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB)

Investments in logistics, critical infrastructure and the energy sector are priority areas for Ukraine’s cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB)

The 2023 investment selection was the largest in the years of cooperation between Ukraine and the EIB, with more than EUR 261 million of investment funds raised under the projects. This is 8 times more than in 2022. There are 23 projects under implementation with a total volume of over EUR 4.8 billion. Of these 

  • 11 projects are aimed at supporting transport infrastructure;
  • 5 initiatives are being implemented in the municipal sector, including social infrastructure rehabilitation projects; 
  • 4 investment projects are in the energy sector; 
  • 2 projects are in the education sector;
  • 1 investment project is aimed at supporting and modernising the logistics network of Ukrposhta.

The European Investment Bank was set up in 1957. Today, its shareholders are the 27 Member States of the European Union. The EIB is not only a lending institution, but also the largest borrower on the international capital markets. The Bank’s unwavering support to Ukraine since the first days of the full-scale war has helped the Government to maintain the stable operation of Ukraine’s critical economic sectors. The portfolio of joint projects in the public and private sectors is the largest in all the years of Ukraine’s cooperation with the Bank – over EUR 7 billion, and since the beginning of the full-scale war, the volume of EIB investments has reached over EUR 2 billion.

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