Government bans certain categories of foreigners from entering Ukraine

Government bans certain categories of foreigners from entering Ukraine

Due to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, the Ukrainian government decided to ban certain categories of foreign citizens from entering Ukraine. The restriction will come into force on August 28 and will be in place until September 28
However, there is a list of certain categories of foreign citizens that will be allowed to enter Ukraine.

Foreign citizens who are allowed to entry to Ukraine:

  • persons who are spouses or children of Ukrainian citizens;
  • persons who have an official valid work permit in Ukraine;
  • technical specialists who arrive in Ukraine at the invitation of representatives of Ukrainian enterprises;
  • transit passengers who have documents confirming departure abroad within two days;
  • person who arrive in the country for training purposes;
  • persons who are serving in the Armed Forces;
  • persons who have permanent or temporary residence permit in Ukraine;
  • persons who  are heads and members of official delegations of foreign states, employees of international organizations, as well as persons accompanying them and entering Ukraine at the invitation of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Office of the President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • persons who are drivers and / or crew members of freight vehicles, buses engaged in regular transportation, crew members of aircraft, ships and river vessels, members of train and locomotive crews;
  • cultural figures who arrive at the invitation of a cultural institution together with one person accompanying each of them;
  • persons who arrive to participate in official sports competitions held in Ukraine, and accompanying persons;
  • persons who carry out transportation of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation;
  • persons who arrive for treatment in health care institutions of Ukraine.
  • persons who are recognized as refugees or persons in need of additional protection;
  • persons who are diplomats, employees of consular posts, missions of official international missions, organizations accredited in Ukraine, and members of their families or are persons who arrive at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine;
  • persons who are instructors of the armed forces of NATO member states and member states of the NATO “Partnership for Peace” program, who take part in training events for units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or arrive at the invitation of the Ministry of Defence.

These categories of foreign nationals must have an insurance policy to cover possible costs associated with COVID-19 treatment and observation (issued by an insurance company with a representative office in Ukraine).

Source: Government of Ukraine

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