UkraineInvest is looking for a company to modernise and improve its website on the WordPress platform

In order to effectively communicate its activities, UkraineInvest is looking for a company to modernise and improve its website on the WordPress platform.

Preliminary list of tasks: 

– performance optimisation;
– mobile optimisation;
– site security audit; 
– implementation of new features;
– technical support and maintenance throughout the year.

More detailed information and conditions can be found in the terms of reference in Annex 1.

The website update is funded by grantors.

Please provide letters of interest with company portfolio/resume
of the expert (individual entrepreneur) with the experience of fulfilling similar orders for the the last three years, with a preliminary estimate and approximate timeframe of the work.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 10 November 2023. 

Please send your proposals to the following email address, contact person –  Dmytro Vitiuk.

Annex 1


Project objective
The goal of this project is to modernise and improve the UkraineInvest website on the WordPress platform to ensure optimal performance, mobile optimisation, security and improve the site’s functionality. 

Project objectives

Performance optimisation
– analyse page loading speed and identify factors that affect website performance;
– develop and implement the necessary optimisations to reduce page load times.

Mobile optimisation
– check the compatibility of the website with different mobile devices and browsers;
– fix any compatibility issues to ensure a convenient user experience on mobile devices.

– conduct a security audit of the website to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities;
– develop and implement security measures to protect the website from possible attacks and security breaches; 
– ensure regular backups of the website to prevent data loss.

Implementation of new features
– identify new features and functionality to be added to the website;
– develop and implement new features to improve the user experience and functionality of the website;
– all changes and additions should be thoroughly documented.

Support and maintenance 
– provide ongoing support and maintenance of the website over the next year to fix any issues and ensure smooth operation.

Timeframe for completion
– the project should be completed within four months after the terms of reference and work plan are agreed upon.

Reporting requirements
– submit weekly reports on the project progress;
– submit a final report upon completion of the project, including all documentation, changes, and recommendations.

The total project budget includes development, implementation, testing, and support costs.

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