Ukraine joins International Energy Agency

Ukraine joins International Energy Agency

Ukraine and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have signed a Joint Declaration on Association, which will provide a basis for closer cooperation in the field of energy security and recovery.

Henceforth, Ukraine gets access to a platform for regular dialogue with the IEA, its member countries, candidate countries for membership and other associated countries by participating in the meetings of the IEA’s standing groups and committees, as well as in ministerial meetings.

Ukraine and the IEA intend to cooperate in a wide range of energy-related activities, including energy market analysis, energy system restoration, energy security, energy efficiency, accelerating energy transitions, developing a sustainable electricity system, hydrogen and bio-methane, energy data and statistics. Both parties also undertake to cooperate within the framework of a number of specific initiatives, which will be agreed separately in joint two-year work programs.

IEA is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization established in the framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1974 in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis. Currently, the organization has 31 member countries and the IEA community provides about 75% of the world’s energy demand and covers more than 5 billion consumers.

The membership in the IEA will provide Ukraine with practical expertise on issues related to the post-war restoration of the energy infrastructure and the development of joint action mechanisms. Generally, signing of this agreement will help build a better energy system using innovative technologies that will allow the country to win the energy war with russia.

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