Since the beginning of 2022, soft loans totaling UAH 20 bln have been issued under the Affordable Loans 5-7-9% State program

Since the beginning of 2022, soft loans totaling UAH 20 bln have been issued under the Affordable Loans 5-7-9% State program

In the conditions of martial law, one of the priorities in Ukraine remains state support for entrepreneurship, which is due in part to the program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%.” Thus, in March, to support sowing by agricultural producers, and to intensify business activities, the Government introduced a number of changes to the Program, including the ability to obtain soft loansat 0% per annum with a government guarantee at the level of 80%.

Since the beginning of the year, soft loans totaling UAH 20 billion have been issued under the “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” State Program.

As of April 25, 37,724 loans totaling UAH 99.5 billion have been received since the start of the Program, including:

▪ UAH 10.18 billion for investment purposes;
▪ UAH 57.42 billion – anti-crisis loans;
▪ UAH 24.68 billion – refinancing of overdue loans;
▪ UAH 6.87 billion – loans for agricultural producers, including UAH 0.5 billion for investment purposes.

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