Ukrainian IT education platform GoIT attracts investment from Horizon Capital

Horizon Capital, a US-based private equity firm focused on high-growth technology and export-oriented companies in Ukraine, has announced an investment in Ukrainian EdTech company GoIT Global, a leading global education technology platform.

The companies did not disclose the details of the transaction, but according to the parties, it is a cheque in the amount of USD 10-15 mln. GoIT intends to use the funds raised for global expansion and integration into artificial intelligence products. The company plans to actively expand in the markets where it is already present – Poland and Romania, as well as Colombia and South East Asia. It also plans to test new markets, such as Turkey, where it is already running a pilot project. GoIT is also interested in Chile, Mexico and Vietnam.

GoIT is a new generation educational company, helping aspiring students to learn programming and other digital skills for a successful career in tech. GoIT has grown to over 20,000 students and supporting placing alumni in 850+ tech companies in 15 countries. The Company has demonstrated stellar capital efficiency, growing USD revenues by over 12 times between 2020-2023, while maintaining strong profitability and cash flows.

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