🇺🇦 March 24 – Month of Invincibility of Ukraine

🇺🇦 March 24 – Month of Invincibility of Ukraine #WeAreStrong

🇺🇦 March 24 – Month of Invincibility of Ukraine #WeAreStrong

Ukraine has been holding and defeating the enemy for a month now. The war of russia against our state is not only a war against Ukraine, and we stand for the security and democratic values ​​of the whole world. We showed everyone the resilience of Ukraine, the courage of its soldiers and national unity in the struggle for freedom.

Our state continues to fight for the European choice. The Ukrainian people once again proved their belonging to a large European family.

With their courage, Ukrainians changed the course of global history and showed the world the real struggle of free people.

Glory to Ukraine! 💙💛

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