Ukraine is expecting an increase in German investment

Ukraine is expecting an increase in German investment and is trying to attract private capital to its economy as it has many attractive investment opportunities, even during a full-scale war.

This was stated by the CEO of UkraineInvest at the conference “Investment Opportunities in Rebuilding Ukraine”.

Sergiy Tsivkach spoke about the investment incentives available in Ukraine, outlined the key sectors and industries that currently offer the most attractive investment opportunities, and called on the German business community to get involved in the reconstruction. 

“German business can become part of Ukraine’s recovery. The post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy offers great opportunities for the private sector. Reconstruction provides a unique opportunity to modernise Ukraine’s production potential and attract foreign capital and modern technologies,” said Sergiy Tsivkach.

Among the sectoral opportunities he mentioned
– agrifood
– industrial machinery
– construction materials
– automotive industry
– IT
– green energy
– furniture manufacturing
– pharmaceuticals
– aerospace industry

Sergiy Tsivkach also presented UkraineInvestGuide, a guide to international business that contains all the necessary information for investors considering Ukraine as an investment destination.

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