Pipe production in Ukraine has recovered 65% of pre-war production levels

Pipe production in Ukraine has recovered 65% of pre-war production levels

According to the results of May 2022, the Ukrainian pipe plants increased their production by 250% compared to April – up to 45 000 tons.

Thus, the industry managed to restore almost 65% of its pre-war production level and it is approximately 70 000 tons per month.

The following pipe producers operated in May: Nikopol Seamless Pipe Plant (260% growth compared to April); Centravis (+45%); Trubostal (-20%); Novomoskovsk plant (+230%). In general, according to the results of five months, from January to May 2022, Ukrainian pipe producers reduced their output by 16%, to 176.3 thousand tons.

Positive results of January-February continue to support the statistics of the industry. At the same time, the new export supply chains through the EU seaports ensured the growth of production for the second month already.

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