More than 500 international delegates attended the largest investment forum FIT for Ukraine: Annual Meeting

The agenda of the first discussion panel focused on private sector financing for the transformation of the Ukrainian economy.

Key messages from the speakers

🔷 The war is not an obstacle to investment activity in Ukraine, on the contrary, those companies that start planning their projects now will be among the first to start implementing them after the victory – David Arakhamia, member of Parliament of Ukraine (majority faction leader); Head of Supervisory Board at UkraineInvest

🔷 Italy wants Ukraine to become an EU member as soon as possible and to host the Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in 2025  – David La Cecillia – Special Envoy for the Reconstruction of Ukraine  

🔷 Norway plans to provide long-term support for Ukraine’s recovery and reforms. The Norwegian Government recently made a grant contribution of USD 190 mln to the World Bank’s Ukraine Recovery, Rehabilitation and Transformation Trust Fund (URTF) to support Ukraine’s capacity for recovery and reform. Christian Syse – Special Representative for Ukraine, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

🔷 The EBRD cannot finance the state budget, but we can and should support the real economy of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, together with international donors, we have created a program that envisages investments of three billion euros in Ukraine this year and next year – Matteo Patrone – Managing Director, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (EEC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

🔷 The U.S. Corporation for International Development (DFC) is helping the government of Ukraine to attract public and private investment to rebuild the country. To provide support, DFC uses several instruments at once: direct lending, risk coverage, and war risk coverage. Currently, DFC is interested in financing and insurance in key sectors of Ukraine’s economy, including energy projects – Agnes Dasewicz – Chief Operating Officer, DFC 

🔷 IFC’s Board of Directors has approved a $2 billion financing program to help strengthen the resilience of Ukraine’s private sector. The response package includes financing from IFC’s own account and leveraged funds from donor governments over the years 2023 and 2024 – Marcelo Castellanos – Senior Regional Industry Manager for Europe, Financial Institutions Group, IFC

🔷 BlackRock is advising on the creation of a special fund for economic recovery in Ukraine. The fund aims to attract billions of dollars of private investment to help with the reconstruction. It will serve as a risk mitigation mechanism and create the potential for large-scale private capital mobilization – Matthias Wyrwoll – Managing Director in BlackRock’s Financial Markets Advisory (FMA) Group 

🔷 Oschadbank is expanding its business support. 15% of the Ukrainian economy is currently financed by Oschadbank. Examples of international cooperation include the guarantee program with the European Investment Bank and the grant program of the German government company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – Sergii Naumov –  Chairman of the Management Board of Oschadbank

🔷 Ukraine can count on full international support in its reconstruction efforts. Investments will go hand in hand with reforms that will support Ukraine on its European path – Adrian Stone – Head of Private Finance Partnerships for Ukraine, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, UK Government 

The discussion panel was moderated by UkraineInvest CEO Sergiy Tsivkach. Under his leadership since 2020, UkraineInvest has 
– facilitated the attraction and unblocking of over USD 1.7 billion of foreign direct investment; 
– provided 4000+ consultations to investors (legal, financial, analytical, etc.); 
– entered the top 5 best investment attraction agencies from 23 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, 2020-2023.

The forum’s goal is to attract private investment to rebuild Ukraine.
Everyone who wants to invest in Ukraine and take part in its reconstruction received the most up-to-date analytical data on investment incentives, regulatory changes, practical aspects of project implementation, and discussed the most important issues facing investors in Ukraine. The event was held offline as part of the largest exhibition on the reconstruction of Ukraine, ReBuild Ukraine.

FIT for Ukraine is a series of investment forums for businesses interested in rebuilding Ukraine. In 2023, more than 7,000 people from 65 countries attended FIT for Ukraine events.

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