“Ukrainian and European energy systems are already working synchronously,” the President said.

“Ukrainian and European energy systems are already working synchronously,” the President said.

The system operator of the Ukrainian power grid NPC UKRENERGO, together with its European counterparts, has completed the integration of domestic and European energy systems. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This means that the Ukrainian energy system has officially joined the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).

“Ukrainian and European energy systems are already working synchronously,” the President said.

According to him, from now on the Ukrainian energy system has reliable energy reserves, which are located abroad, so it is protected from attacks by the invader.

Ukrenergo, as the Ukrainian transmission system operator (TSO), has been preparing the power system for synchronisation with ENTSO-E since 2017, when the Agreement on the conditions for the future interconnection was signed. Over the past five years, more than 700 million euros has been invested in power infrastructure development, strengthening of IT infrastructure and cybersecurity, while Ukraine has fulfilled all key technical conditions for integration into ENTSO-E.

After the war ends, both Ukraine and Europe will enjoy new opportunities with regard to joint development of electricity markets and facilitation of “green transition.” In particular, the entry of European producers and suppliers of electricity to the Ukrainian market will increase competition and promote the development of market mechanisms. This will also increase the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian power sector. 

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