Ukraine increased the export of titanium ores by 21% m/m in October 2022

Ukraine increased the export of titanium ores by 21% in October 2022

In October 2022, Ukrainian enterprises of the mining and metal complex increased the export of titanium ores by 20.8% compared to the previous month – up to 29.33 thousand tons. In monetary terms, exports for this period increased by 6.9% m/m – up to $12.73 million.

On an annual basis, the export of titanium ores from Ukraine in October 2022 decreased by 16.7% in physical terms and by 11.6% in monetary terms. In January-October 2022, Ukrainian enterprises exported 273.4 thousand tons of titanium ores, which is 38.9% less than in the same period of 2021. Export revenue for this period decreased by 10.5% y/y – to $111.27 million.

The main consumers of Ukrainian titanium ores in January-October 2022 were the Czech Republic (49.62% in monetary terms), the USA (12.27%), and Poland (7.27%). In 2021 Ukraine increased exports of titanium ores and concentrate by 3% compared to 2020 – up to 553.05 thousand tons. In monetary terms, during this period, exports increased by 17% y/y – up to $161.9 million.

The main deliveries were made to Mexico (21.23% of deliveries in monetary terms). Ukraine is one of the few countries with a closed production cycle in the titanium industry, from the extraction of titanium-containing ores and their processing to the production of finished products.