The recovery of the Ukrainian economy opens up new opportunities for private sector development. Even during a full-scale war, Ukraine has many attractive investment opportunities

UkraineInvest CEO said this during the conference on rebuilding Ukraine and investment opportunities Rebuilding Ukraine: Investment Opportunities in Business, held in Frankfurt am Main.

Sergiy Tsivkach spoke about the investment incentives and investment risk insurance mechanisms available in Ukraine, outlined the key sectors and industries that currently offer the most attractive investment opportunities, and called on the business community to increase its presence in Ukraine and participate in its reconstruction.

He also presented the UkraineInvestGuide, a guide that contains all the necessary information for investors considering Ukraine as an investment destination, to international business.

“Ukraine has already made significant progress in terms of reforms and transparency. Most importantly, the government and parliament of Ukraine did not stop working on investment incentives during the war. The system of investment incentives, although not the only one, is an extremely important component of the national infrastructure for attracting and supporting investment,” said Sergiy Tsivkach.

The investment incentives include

– full or partial compensation of interest rates on loans for the development of an industrial park and business activities;
– up to 10 years of temporary exemption from corporate income tax
construction of related infrastructure covered by state support;
– compensation for connection to utility networks;
– special taxation regime for the IT industry: 9% corporate tax and 5% personal income tax;
– exemption from import duties on new equipment.

The event was aimed at launching an ongoing dialogue for the country’s recovery, facilitating direct contacts with government authorities, corporate and financial institutions, and helping both experienced investors and newcomers understand the Ukrainian market.

The participants were presented with the investment potential in the country, the mood of entrepreneurs and opportunities for global business development.

Successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have already invested in Ukraine and have first-hand experience with the country’s business landscape shared their ideas, opinions and insights on working in Ukraine.

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