UkraineInvest Executive Director took part in one of the largest international forums in Europe, Bpifrance inno génération

UkraineInvest Executive Director took part in one of the largest international forums in Europe, Bpifrance inno génération

Ukraine and France have significant potential to strengthen investment partnerships and increase trade turnover between countries, especially in the agriculture sector.

One of the largest international forums in Europe, Bpifrance inno génération (#BIG), took place today in Paris. UkraineInvest Executive Director Sergiy Tsivkach took part in the panel discussion “Ukraine – the breadbasket of Europe: #agribusiness market opportunities to seize for French companies” together with Dominique Sigros, Head of International Desk Central and Eastern Europe, Crédit Agricole Group.

During his speech, Sergiy Tsivkach emphasized that Ukraine remains a key player in the international grain market, supplying food to over 150 million people globally. 

“Ukraine is one of the leading exporters of grain and oilseeds, and reforms and European integration stimulate the growth of Ukrainian exports. During 2016-2021, the market of agricultural machinery in Ukraine has tripled. At the same time, the need for technical re-equipment and modernization of the technical park of agricultural producers as well as irrigation is growing. These areas can become one of the most promising for the further development of investment cooperation with French investors,” said Sergiy Tsivkach.

The main advantages of investing in Ukraine have been presented during the discussion, among them the gradual opening of the land market, the reform of industrial parks, and the program of turning Ukraine into a European manufacturing hub “Make in UA.” 

More than 180 French companies are already successfully operating in Ukraine, and France is in the TOP-10 countries-investors in the Ukrainian economy.

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