We invite interested businesses to participate in an open tender

The Investment and Projects Office of the Lviv City Council has announced an open tender to select a management company for the Syhnivka Industrial Park in Lviv.

Syhnivka Industrial Park will be located on 5 communal land plots with a total area of 30 hectares. The industrial park will create about 150 thousand square meters of industrial space and will focus only on manufacturing enterprises in the processing industry. The technological and innovative heart of the industrial park will be a community center with a science and technology center, which will include a business incubator for startup projects, laboratories, R&D, coworking spaces, training and conference rooms.

The management company to be selected in the tender will act as the project developer and will receive five land plots of the industrial park for the period of its creation. 

Detailed information on the procedure and deadline for submitting applications and the main conditions of participation in the  the open tender you can receive:

– in official announcement on the holding of an open competition (eng) – https://shorturl.at/dmE29

– in competition documentation for the selection of the management company (only in ukrainian) –  http://surl.li/jvqrz 

The concept of the industrial park “Syhnivka” can be found here – https://shorturl.at/ILUX6

Applications for participation in the tender will be accepted until August 29, 2023. 

The investment competition is conducted by the competition commission of the Lviv City Council. The organizer of the competition is the Investment and Projects Office of Lviv City Council (Invest in Lviv).

If you have any questions about participation, please contact by phone: +38 032 254 6006 or email: invest@lvivcity.gov.ua

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