USD 3 billion of foreign direct investment underway – companies continue to implement investment projects in Ukraine

This was the focus of the panel discussion “Economic Transformation of Ukraine – Why Investors Will Come to Ukraine” at the Investors Annual Meeting, an investment forum organised by UkraineInvest in partnership with the Ukrainian CCI and with the support of OKKO and Onur Group.

Participants discussed business and government needs for industrial and energy-efficient equipment and materials, economic transformation, and factors that make Ukraine attractive for investment.

Key messages from the speakers:
“Military entrepreneurs returning from war should be supported not only by the state, but also by civilian business, which would become a catalyst for transforming veterans from frontline heroes into leaders of economic development by providing them with access to the necessary resources and tools to create and develop their own businesses,” said Sergiy Poznyak, Chairman of the Association of ATO Veteran Entrepreneurs. 

“ArcelorMittal, Onur Group, Kingspan Group and Bayer Pharma have announced investment plans.  Ukrainian Epicentre, Eva, Aurora and Astarta are also successfully investing in projects in Ukraine. Thanks to the titanic diplomatic efforts and international organisations DFC and MIGA, the war risk insurance scheme has been launched. The first seven projects have already taken advantage of this opportunity. It is very important that Ukrainian business and foreign investors always have a line of communication with the state. So that businessmen can be sure that they will be listened to and, if necessary, helped,” said Halyna Yanchenko, Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Secretary of the National Investment Council under the President of Ukraine.

“Starting now, I tell our partners, is the best time to start investing, or at least preparing to invest. Ukraine is one of the most undervalued countries in the world. Both in terms of resources and opportunities. It is a realistic task to do x5 within 5 years after the victory,” said Andriy Dligach, founder of Advanter Group and international business community board. 

The discussion was moderated by Nazarii Volianskyi, Head of International Relations and Communications at UkraineInvest. 

The purpose of the event is to improve the business-government dialogue, to organise analytical discussions on the implementation of industrial investment projects, to present a report on the prospects and mechanisms of creation of new investment funds, and to award companies investing in Ukraine after 24.02.22, public figures and media that contribute to the development of the investment environment of Ukraine.

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