A favourable investment climate and confidence in government institutions are essential for a rapid post-war recovery

This was discussed during a working meeting between the management of UkraineInvest and Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Dmytro Verbytskyi.

The aim is to provide a safety cushion and to protect the investor from the time the investment is made until the investment project is completed.

Over the past year, UkraineInvest has received more than 10 requests from investors for assistance in resolving law enforcement issues. 

“We want investors to feel secure and know that when they contact UkraineInvest, any problematic issues will be resolved promptly. Investment protection means protecting the interests of society and the state. This approach will help ensure the investment attractiveness of our country,” said Oleksandr Melnychenko, Acting Executive Director of UkraineInvest.

Ukraine’s Prosecutor’s General Office is responsible for investment protection in a separate structural unit, the Department of Criminal Policy and Investment Protection, to which entrepreneurs should address complaints about the work of law enforcement agencies.

“We are thoroughly reviewing the work of law enforcement agencies to prevent abuse and pressure on business, constantly improving our approaches, developing new areas of work and specialisation of prosecutors to change for the sake of high results,” said Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Dmytro Verbytskyi.

The parties discussed the vision of effective cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing the challenges faced by investors, outlined the necessary joint steps, and agreed to actively cooperate to prevent any manifestations of unlawful pressure on honest business.

“Businesses often need to provide information and are not always familiar with legal instruments. That is why UkraineInvest plans to involve representatives of the Ukraine’s Prosecutor’s General Office in international events,” said Nazarii Volianskyi, Head of International Relations and Communications at UkraineInvest.

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