This is a weekly digest of news about investment and business development in Ukraine from the UkraineInvest team

The UK will work with the EBRD on a project to insure war risks in Ukraine.
The relevant statement of intent was signed between the UK Government and the EBRD on October 31, 2023.

Oschadbank has started accepting applications from small businesses for grants from Germany.
Grants will cover up to 30% of the cost of an investment project.

Ukraine’s budget received over UAH 282 bln in October.
In particular, revenues from internal resources amounted to UAH 180.2 bln, and from external resources – UAH 102.5 bln.

Since the beginning of 2023, businesses have received affordable loans worth UAH 80 bln.
Since the beginning of 2023, banks have issued 22,000 loans worth UAH 80 bln to businesses.

South Korean construction company SsangYong will finance the construction of schools and hospitals in Ukraine.
These include two kindergartens, two schools, and the renovation of a hospital in Mykolaiv region, a lyceum in Mykolaiv, and a school in Kharkiv.

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