Since the outbreak of the war, investments have increased, as global players feel an urgent need to attract fresh capital into the Ukrainian economy or reinvest

UkraineInvest CEO Sergiy Tsivkach said this in an interview with Fortune.

“Since russia invaded Ukraine in late February 2022, interest in investing in Ukraine’s agricultural processing, automotive, and heavy engineering sectors has increased. UkraineInvest receives three to four inquiries from international corporations and investment firms every month, especially in manufacturing, compared to two to three every six months before the war. Most of the investments come from companies or firms based in countries or republics, including Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, France and America. We have accompanied around USD 500 mln of capital that has been invested since February 2022, representing almost 30% of the USD 1.7 bln of total investments made since 2020. After the war ends and Ukraine joins NATO, the number of investors will increase,” said Sergiy Tsivkach.

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