We announce the launch of a platform for finding business partners UkraineーItaly

On July 10, UkraineInvest with partners from the CDP Deposit and Loan Fund and the Confederation of Italian Industry Confindustria, is organizing a B2B business meeting session between Italian and Ukrainian companies. This is another result of the “FIT FOR UKRAINE: ITALY” forum.     

The B2B will be held on the Business Matching Platform. 
CDP created this innovative digital tool in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy (MAECI), and SIMEST. 

Registration is open until July 5.
The B2B session starts on July 10.
Registration on the platform and participation in the B2B session is free.

Registration form: https://businessmatching.cdp.it/en/dashboard/events/italy-meets-ukraine-fit-ukraine-business-conference-investing-ukraine?id=71

The B2B meeting session will provide Italian and Ukrainian companies with a concrete opportunity to explore the forms of cooperation that exist in the following sectors

– agriculture and food industry

– construction and building materials

– logistics

– furniture

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