This is a weekly digest of news about investment and business development in Ukraine from the UkraineInvest team

The President of Ukraine has signed the law on the state budget for 2024. 
The government has earmarked UAH 40 bln in the 2024 state budget to support economic recovery and programmes to help Ukrainian businesses.  

The European Investment Bank opens an office in Kyiv.
Its aim is to provide enhanced support to Ukraine and Eastern Europe in general, in cooperation and coordination with the EIB’s offices in Moldova and the South Caucasus (Tbilisi, Georgia).  

In November 2023, the state budget of Ukraine received about USD 2 bln in external financing.
In the first 11 months of 2023, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine attracted about USD 37.4 bln in external financing for the urgent needs of the state budget. 

Credit Agricole Ukraine signs a EUR 50 mln agreement with the EBRD.
This will allow the bank to support investments by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the modernisation of technologies and equipment.        

AiSDR, a Ukrainian AI startup, has attracted USD 3 mln in investment.
One of the leading business incubators in Silicon Valley, Y Combinator, is among the investors supporting the project. The investors also include representatives of American firms such as Rebel Fund, Pioneer Fund, Bluepointe Ventures, Ukrainian SID Venture Partners and Flyer One Ventures, as well as UK-based SCM Advisors.

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