Ukraine in Washington 2020 and beyond

UkraineInvest participated st “Ukraine in Washington 2020 and beyond…” online conference

The U.S. has always been a strategic partner for Ukraine in key areas such as agriculture, hi-tech, infrastructure, energy and etc.

These days U.S.-Ukraine Foundation hosted an interactive online event “Ukraine in Washington 2020 and beyond” aimed at advancing and building new partnerships. During the vibrant panel discussion on FDI in Ukraine, moderated by Deputy Chairwoman of the UkraineInvest Supervisory Board Alexa Chopivsky, the Executive Director of UkraineInvest Sergiy Tsivkach underlined the importance of improving the business environment, promoting enhanced investment opportunities and transparent business practices in Ukraine.

Mr Tsivkach also discussed the ways to cooperate with the U.S. business community so that UkraineInvest can improve outreach, communication and collaboration with existing and potential U.S. investors in Ukraine.

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