UkraineInvest team showcased investment opportunities in Ukraine to Estonian businesses

UkraineInvest team showcased investment opportunities in Ukraine to Estonian businesses

Currently, there are nearly 300 Estonian companies successfully operating in Ukraine, including  Bolt, BLRT Grupp, Baltika Group, Krasnohirskyy sunflower oil production plant. The largest volume of Estonian investments is flowing into the industry, wholesale and retail trade, real estate operations. Bilateral trade turnover for the six months of 2020 has increased by 7.6% and reached over $204 mln. 

UkraineInvest team is committed to developing mutually beneficial cooperation between Ukraine and Estonia by providing customized “one-stop-shop” services tailored to the specific needs of Estonian investors ensuring a client-centered and results-driven engagement with existing and potential investors.

Within today’s online conference ‘Opportunities for Estonian businesses in Ukraine’, UkraineInvest was striving to put the cooperation between Ukraine and Estonia on a brand new level, showcase the most lucrative opportunities in Ukraine for Estonian business representatives, provide an update on a regulatory policy, find potential partners and projects to invest in Ukraine, particularly in such sectors as agribusiness, infrastructure, manufacturing and IT. 

💬“We are really interested in the development of joint ventures in Ukraine. Such sectors as agriculture, IT, infrastructure, manufacturing offer the most room for growth in Estonia-Ukraine economic relations. Notably, Estonian experience in Ukraine’s IT sector has been good with a broad network within the sector. Even more, opportunities will emerge soon with the development and law adoption in Diia City, as well as the adaptation of tax and labor legislation amendments that are scheduled to be completed by the end of this year,” emphasized Sergiy Tsivkach, CEO UkraineInvest. 

Besides, the UkraineInvest team also focused on: 
✅Industrial parks incentives envisaged to be introduced soon
✅The privatization process in Ukraine with existing success stories 
✅PPP Road Program as a model for attracting investors and identified 6 pilot road sections to be upgraded and maintained on the PPP basis.

Ukraine and Estonia have a strategic partnership based on enduring friendship, strong political dialogue, commitment to democratic values, and prospects of joint implementation of projects in the most promising sectors of the economy today. Recently, the Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Estonia signed an Intergovernmental Agreement on Technical and Financial Cooperation. The document will apply to all technical and financial assistance programs and projects implemented in Ukraine and financed in whole or in part by the Republic of Estonia.

💬“A genuine watershed moment in the relationship between both countries became the active support of Estonia in Ukraine’s stalwart will to move towards the eurointergation and defend European values. Ukraine and Estonia have truly friendly relations and this is a good basis for the intensification of bilateral trade, economic and investment relations. We trust each other and we believe in the great potential of our cooperation,” pointed up Mariana Betsa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in the Republic of Estonia.

We are grateful to all our Estonian partners, in particular, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia for organizing this important event that serves as an excellent platform for enhancing further economic cooperation between both countries in the context of rising global challenges.

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