Ukrainian Parliament ratified the protocol on air transportation with Qatar

Ukrainian Parliament ratified the protocol on air transportation with Qatar

🙌 The Verkhovna Rada passed the law “On Ratification of the Protocol between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the State of Qatar on Amendments and Additions to the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the State of Qatar on Air Traffic”. This step will open up access to the markets by allocation of the several airlines on each side, eliminate the restrictions on number of flights, types of the aircraft and expand the number of destinations for regular air connection between two countries 🇺🇦🇶🇦

According to Vladyslav Kryklii, Minister of Infrastructure, Ukraine is interested in cooperation in the realm of transport and infrastructure with Qatar. Earlier this year, a leading Qatari operator QTerminals signed a concession agreement for Olvia port, which envisages UAH 17 billion of investments. Thus, the liberalization of air transportation is a huge step towards evolving the relations between Ukraine and Qatar.

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