Ukraine is ready for investment and has offers for those willing to invest in its recovery

Ukraine is ready for investment and has offers for those willing to invest in its recovery

Various incentives are available to investors to attract investment in priority sectors of the economy. These include a special tax regime for the IT industry, temporary tax and customs benefits for investments in the production of electric vehicles and aircraft, financial support for agricultural processing, etc.

Nazar Kohut, Investment Advisor of UkraineInvest, spoke about this at the export conference “Course to the East. Current Trends and Attractive Directions of External Expansion in the Context of Geopolitical Instability”, which took place in Lublin (Poland). 

“UkraineInvest is working to make it easier for investors to do business in Ukraine. UkraineInvest, as an institution authorised by the Government of Ukraine, provides comprehensive support to investors, so I invite Polish companies to cooperate. Ukraine appreciates Polish support for its reconstruction. We are waiting for your projects,” said Nazar Kohut.

The conference kicked off a series of free, pro-export events as part of the local “Lublin Export Support Platform” programme, coordinated by the Strategy and Investor Services Department of Urząd Miasta Lublin. A report was also presented at the event, in which Ukraine was ranked 3rd in investment attractiveness. The document was prepared by PFR TFI, PwC and KUKE and is available at the link.

The purpose of the event was to exchange information on foreign investment financing, export risk mitigation and support tools for Polish exporters, as well as to prepare an economic mission of investors to Ukraine.

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