The Ukrainian electric car market is developing rapidly, with the total number of electric cars reaching 100,000 in the last 10 years

The Ukrainian electric car market is developing rapidly, with the total number of electric cars reaching 100,000 in the last 10 years

According to Ukravtoprom, electric cars account for 18% of all imported cars, catching up with diesel cars (23%). As the number of electric cars grows, so does the number of fast charging stations.

Maryna Kytina, Chief Advisor to the Executive Director of UkraineInvest, told the participants of the practical conference-dialogue “Charge Up! Ukraine-2024”, where she acted as a moderator and presenter.

“The infrastructure is improving every day. The plans we have received from the operators of electric charging stations suggest that we will soon be approaching the European indicators. In the near future, we will see a very large increase in the electric charging infrastructure in cities and outside cities. Connections will be developed not only between cities with more than one million inhabitants, but also in less popular destinations,” Maryna Kytina stressed.

She also informed the audience about the state’s legislative support for the development of electric mobility and attracting investment in this industry.

The event was held as part of GREEN EXPO 2024 and brought together more than 100 attendees, who were presented with the results of a survey on the development of charging infrastructure in Kyiv, a new procedure for leasing places for the installation of EVs, Epicentr’s programme to develop a network of its own charging stations under the E1 brand, etc.

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