Ukraine can and should be invested in – UkraineInvest’s top priority now is to promote investment and support investment projects in the most attractive sectors of the Ukrainian economy

Ukraine can and should be invested in – UkraineInvest’s top priority now is to promote investment and support investment projects in the most attractive sectors of the Ukrainian economy

This was stated by Nazarii Volianskyi, Head of International Relations and Communications at UkraineInvest, during the presentation of an analytical note by the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, prepared in cooperation with the AHK Committees and the German Economic Group. 

During the dialogue with members of the AHK, Nazarii Volianskyi answered a number of questions that are of concern to investors today. He stressed that Ukraine has developed and implemented special regulations and incentives to attract foreign direct investment. The Law of Ukraine “On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments” is in force in Ukraine. In addition to comprehensive investment incentive regimes, Ukraine also offers investors a wide range of incentives aimed at investments in priority sectors of the economy, including a special tax regime for the IT industry, temporary tax and customs concessions for investments in the production of electric vehicles and aircraft, financial support for agricultural processing, etc. 

“UkraineInvest provides investors interested in doing business with comprehensive support, including up-to-date analysis, necessary to make decisions about investment and further operations in our country. We want companies to realise that Ukraine is a profitable business case and to contact UkraineInvest to explore opportunities. We invite German investors to cooperate with us,” said Nazarii Volianskyi.

UkraineInvest was also represented at the event by Ella Nelha, Senior Expert of the Legal and Regulatory Policy Department. She encouraged businesses to contact UkraineInvest for comprehensive support, including

  • reliable and up-to-date information;
  • advice on doing business in Ukraine;
  • identification of optimal investment opportunities;
  • facilitating communication between investors and government agencies at all levels;
  • assistance in solving problems that investors may encounter.

The participants of the expert panel “Investment Climate – Challenges, Opportunities, Strategies” discussed the recommendations and practical advice offered in the policy brief to unlock Ukraine’s potential and create a more favourable investment climate. According to the experts, Ukraine needs to 

  • improve access to finance for businesses, especially SMEs; 
  • ensure greater transparency in government processes; 
  • improve cooperation between the government and the private sector to attract more foreign investment; 
  • formulate a comprehensive reconstruction strategy.

Link to the document:

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