Italian business is interested in investment opportunities in Ukraine

Italian business is interested in investment opportunities in Ukraine

At the invitation of Pier Francesco Zazo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Ukraine, a working meeting was held with Oleksandr Melnychenko, Acting Executive Director of UkraineInvest. The parties discussed the prospects of possible investment projects.

According to the Ambassador, Italian companies are exploring Ukrainian economic sectors for investment without waiting for the end of the war. In particular, Italian companies are interested in Ukraine’s investment climate and opportunities.

At Mr Zazo’s request, Oleksandr Melnychenko spoke about:

  • the development of Ukrainian investment legislation;
  • sectors of the Ukrainian economy that could be the most promising for Italian investors; examples of successful investments in Ukraine
  • the system of investor and investment protection, which is being improved by the state authorities;
  • the special role and place of UkraineInvest in the enforcement of investment legislation, the developed legal and organisational mechanisms for overcoming possible difficulties of the investor on the way to the implementation of his investment decisions;
  • insurance of investments against possible risks.

The parties agreed on the Embassy’s mediation in establishing cooperation between UkraineInvest and Invitalia, the National Agency for Investment and Business Development of the Italian Republic, as well as the Italian business community in general.

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