The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has extended the mandate of the Special Parliamentary Commission on Investor Protection 

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has extended the mandate of the Special Parliamentary Commission on Investor Protection 

Its purpose is: 

  • to develop and implement the state policy of creating conditions for investment activity in Ukraine and protecting the rights and freedoms of investors; 
  • to collect and analyse information on cases of violation of business rights by public authorities;
  • to analyse the current state of Ukraine’s investment attractiveness;
  • identification of factors hindering its improvement; 
  • analysis of the level of legislative protection of business rights and freedoms;
  • preparation of proposals for amendments to legislative acts to strengthen the protection of business rights.

The TSC will help to create conditions for the development of investment activity by small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine, to respond promptly to cases of violation of business rights by representatives of state authorities and local self-government bodies, and to expand parliamentary cooperation with business associations and specialised structures.

The term of the TSC is one year from the date of its establishment and it will consist of 15 MPs. It is chaired by Halyna Yanchenko, MP from the Servant of the People faction.

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