The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the Procedure for Interaction of UkraineInvest with investors with significant investments

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the Procedure for Interaction of UkraineInvest with applicants, investors with significant investments, state authorities and local governments on issues related to support of preparation and implementation of investment projects with significant investments.

Thus, the amendments introduced
– the procedure of interaction between the applicant and UkraineInvest has been improved (from now on, at the applicant’s request, UkraineInvest will be involved in negotiations on the terms of a special investment agreement);
– the terminology has been harmonised in accordance with the legislation in force (as regards engineering and transport infrastructure).

The aim is to bring the Law into line with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine No. 3311-IX of 09.08.2023 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Implementation of Investment Projects with Significant Investments”. 

For further details please follow the link 

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