Asian companies are showing great interest in cooperation with Ukraine

This was discussed at a meeting between the team of UkraineInvest and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia in Ukraine, H.E. Arief Muhammad Basalamah. The parties discussed the most promising formats of interaction and intensification of business-to-business cooperation.

Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia (SEA). The country is massively building infrastructure projects of various levels. And Ukrainian business may be in demand in this market. 

The country needs products, technologies and ready-made innovative solutions. According to the Ambassador, Indonesian investors are particularly interested in Ukrainian shipbuilding technologies, transport technologies, solar energy and agricultural products.

The most promising sectors for deepening bilateral trade and economic cooperation are

– agricultural (supply of grain and processed goods, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products);
– military-technical (supply and repair of military equipment and weapons, and transfer of technology for their manufacture);
– energy (supplies of turbines, generators, transformers for thermal and hydroelectric power plants);
– metallurgy (metals and their products, technologies and equipment for metallurgical plants);
– information technology (the digital economy of the Indonesia is one of the largest and most dynamic in the SEA region, with a projected volume of over USD 130 bln by 2025); 
– pharmaceuticals (the country’s pharmaceutical market is developing dynamically, with an average annual growth of around 12.5%, and is the largest in ASEAN).

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