Ukraine’s recovery presents opportunities to attract investment from Qatar

This was discussed during a meeting between UkraineInvest CEO and Daria Revina, Vice-Chair of the QUBF.

The parties plan to establish a strategic partnership for attracting investments in Ukraine’s reconstruction projects.

Areas where opportunities for attracting financing from Qatar are seen in the following sectors: 
– logistics;
– real estate;
– agriculture; 
– energy efficiency. 

Qatar’s population of 3 mln is a Middle Eastern country with one of the world’s highest GDP per capita. Qatar specializes in oil production and refining and exports natural gas. However, in terms of products, technologies, equipment, and other resources, the country is largely an importer. 

Qatar has already invested in Ukraine. In 2021, the Qatari state-owned company Nebras Power became the majority shareholder of six solar power plants in Ukraine. Also in 2021, the Qatari state-owned company QTerminals signed a concession agreement for the port of Olbia with a commitment to invest UAH 3.4 billion.  

The QUBF Business Council promotes the development of a sustainable partnership between Qatar and Ukraine. The QUBF’s activities are aimed at disseminating information about the opportunities and potential of the two countries; organizing conferences, forums, business briefings, economic missions, exhibitions, seminars, and demo projects to share experience and expertise; and facilitating cooperation in trade (import and export) and investment.

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