Emma Hooper, Export Development Manager, BPI France, will speak at the FIT for Ukraine: Annual Meeting

The French state-owned insurance company Bpifrance Assurance Export has announced that it will insure French companies willing to invest in Ukraine. This insurance will generally cover up to 95% of the investor’s assets or receivables. Its main condition is active participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine before the end of the full-scale war.

FIT for Ukraine: Annual Meeting will take place on November 15 in Warsaw, Poland. 

The forum will bring together government and business representatives to discuss Ukraine’s investment achievements in 2023 and outline plans for the coming year. The event is organized within the framework of the largest international exhibition on the reconstruction of Ukraine ReBuild Ukraine. 

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The Forum on Investments and Transformation for Ukraine is a series of investment forums for businesses interested in rebuilding Ukraine. In 2023, more than 7,000 people from 65 countries attended FIT for Ukraine events.

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